In The
Supreme Court of the United States
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GROKSTER, LTD., et al.,
Supreme Court Rules in MGM v. Grokster
It's been nicknamed the "Grokster Case", and it has been a major battle in the world of file sharing. The case started back on October of 2001 when Streamcast Networks, which were the developers of Grokster was targeted in a law suit that the company illegally profits off the creation and promotion of software used mainly to allow copyright infringement. This case has worked its way up to the Supreme Courts. Throughout the years at trial the Supreme Court has overruled the lower courts that consistently ended in the favor of Grokster which gave a very small negative impact when it came to P2P “peer 2 peer” file sharing. Mgm Studios,Inc. vs Grokster case was decided in the United States Supreme Court which the court unanimously held the defendant of P2P file sharing companies Grokster and Streamcast could be sued for copyrighting and infringement.
The Dissent
15 years ago
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